Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ari nir aq rase nk menulis...sbb ape??sbb aq rase i need to write something n aq nk luah kn segala2nye kat sini...i2 pn kalo blh la...:( aq rase sejak 2 menjak nie kiteowg asyik gaduh je pn x tau nape la...hurm..mybe i'm a jerk....serious aq rase aq ngan die makin ari makin jauh...x tau nape...btw aq rindu giler kat die...mybe nie sume pasal yg die bgtau ari rabu bersamaan ngan 16/11/2011 la...:( this date i will never remember coz it change the way we get together...tq n i really appreciate her 'BESTIES' tq tau..coz ko dah wat kn kiteowg mcm nie...adil x kalo mase die ngan kwn2 lg byk dr aq???hurm...i think she the only 1 can answer it..x pe la i had to give her a space for her to spend her time with her friends n x kesah la...*in fact ati kate its not fair for me...x pe la stakat nie je la aq nk tulis...i will write back when i feel i want to do...

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a bad day

today is my very bad day...coz pagi2 lagi dh kene membebel ngan my mom...the reason is aq trlupe nk bgtau die pasal kete...only tht...n i really hate when early in the morning dh kene membebel ngan sesape sje la..coz it will spoil our mood for the day...n td aq test math..n i really hope yg aq pass n x carry any subject for the next sem...n aq very2 hope yang aq akan dapat kate2 semangat from  die tp....juz a sms only...what a crush...hurm...:( n aq pn hope from my mom x pe i still but i didn't get anything...:'( n my life still bad when i can't see her at jusco...n she keep blaming yg aq nie really bersalah atas ape yg aq wat kat ckp kwn2 die dh ramai kecik ati ngan die...but wht about me???hurm...x pe la..wat je la hal aq sendiri...i'm very 'thankful' to her close friend.....................!!!!!!!!!!tq so much tau...muke byk rase when kiteorg kuar dieowg yg hakikat nye aq yang kene balik....x pe la wak...friend is more important to you...


Friday, November 4, 2011


Thursday, November 3, 2011

penat+annoying+miss her+mcm2 lg perasan la....

assalamualaikum.....menari-nari di atas keyboard yang dh lama x update blog nie....

firstly: aq mmg seorg yg pemalas utk hadap lappy nie lama2 coz keje x prnh nye nk abis...

i think i will do the same thing like the cartoon...

secondly: no idea what to write...

this girl have no idea same goes to me.

third: i reallly miss her so much.....n wht should i do??? :( 

last but no least....assignment+quiz+test+final project n sume yg berkaitan ngan study amat2 la mengusutkn kepala aq....sume keje wat dlm 1 mase yg amat2 la have no time to face this lappy...

and allll this work my life soooo boring and so tired....
and i never stop loving you....<3 <3

Thursday, August 18, 2011

fight lagi....!!!:(

hurm smlm fight lg ngan die...pasal pe?? just a comment from me to the other girls at FB..niat aq just nk maen2 n gurau2 je ngan dak 2...but....hurm x pe aq wat cam 2 pn because of her...nape aq ckp cam 2??ne x nye kalo die x wat benda or wat aq ilang caye kat die slama byk kali x mgkn aq jd cam nie...coz aq nie kalo dh sayang some1 mesti aq sayang giler kat org 2 n akan loyal kat pas die wat kat aq mcm2 it change me to become someone else in my life la....cause of her aq cam nie...kalo die x wat kat aq rase annoying ape yg die wat kat aq mybe dh tentu2 aq x wat kat apekn daya..


Saturday, August 6, 2011

slh aq....

salam..dh berhabuk gak aq nye blog juz nk citer yg this week mmg mcm ape je coz byk sgt keje yg perlu disetelkan la...sampai x de byk mase ngan sad la..:( every night aq gi kamsis to do my work la..bkn utk bersuka ria...i hope she understand my kan smlm mcm ade yg x kene je...i'm asking her ade ape2 yg x kene ke...n she just ckp die letih sgt je...coz kms aq cam blh terima la x kn letih die sampai ke sahur?? i'm keep thinking what is going aq x tau ape la...when aq ask her die x nk jwb n ngelak ngan die ckp ngantok la...hurm....x pe la x nk bgtau x pe...x nk share kn...its ok la..nmpk sgt ade yg x kene tp die x nk bgtau....hurm.........................
btw selamat berpuasa pd sume ye.....:)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

ok and k.o...

firstly aq nk tulis yg ok dulu la ye....of course la org mesti nk tahu a good news first the good story begin here.....
ptg smlm aq dipanggil oleh jiran igt kn nape la abg 2 pggl kn rupe2nye die srh bg mkn kucing die ari nie coz die x de kat terkejut ngan tugasan yg diberi oleh abg 2...mule2 down la jgk dgr kn tp lps die ckp nnt abg bg ko upah ye...wah kemain brsemgt lg maklum la ngah miskin skg nie..:)so nk x nk aq wat gak la...:)hehehe....1st time aq bg kucing mkn td...hehe...:p seronok gak la...
and the k.o story is aq asyik brgdh je ngan die la...kslhn yg x spttnye brlaku x tahu la nape asyik brgdh je...slh siapa ek??hurm....the question tht keep me thinking about it...:( x pe la aq tahu aq slh....n aq x sengaja pn bg die rase mcm aq rase dulu....i'm so sorry 4 wht i've don't to you ye....iloveyou and imissyousomuch....<3 <3  

Saturday, July 23, 2011


tibe2 je kn rase rindu nk suasana yg mcm dulu...rindu nk wat kenduri sedara2 je...rindu nk gurau senda ngan czen2+mkck2+pkck2 n sume la...tibe2 je rase cam 2 la...mybe aq dh rindu kat dieowg kot...dulu had a good time same2 tp skang mcm ape je kn...yela org brduit brkuasa zmn skang nie..:( nk jumpe atok kndng sendiri pn x blh..ade je hlgn nye...x pe la....mybe ade hikmah disblk nie kot.......ade sedara tp cam x de lg baik x yah ada sedara x tau la nape aq rase cam nie....:'( org disekeliling is bttr than sedara la.....a dissappointed feelss...........

Saturday, July 16, 2011

ok......setel kot..

menaip lagi....setelah pnt menaip utk wat asignment yg diberi kini aq menaip utk mengupdate blog aq nie..
penat gak wat keje menaip nie tp agak seronok la coz tgn gua x rase lenguh la...:)aq dh ngantok la x de idea nk menaip lg la...bye........ddaaaaaaaaa...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

holla !!setelah sekian lame aq x menaip ahirnye br dpt mlm nie la...:P aq x smpt coz so busy jd dak poli...a new student ...biasa la kene attend orientasi n etc  la...memenatkn diri la....:( tp such a happy day gak coz aq nk busy kn diri aq dngan keje2 or wat pe2 la...asal kn aq x nk kacau die sgt la...yela die dh mule rase rimas ngan aq wat kat bttr x yah la cntct sgt....tkt aq wat die boring kat aq la...skang byk secret dh antara kite kn...x pe la aq mls nk citer mslh lg tp aq nk citer pasal kehidupan seorg pelajar poli...1st day aq msk poli x smpt msk clss dh abes...hurm...x pe la..not a good strt...n ari 2 agak bosan coz x byk benda tahu...:) n the 2nd days dh pn brlalu beberapa jam yg lalu...4 jam clss agak relax coz lecture x msk clss...:)seronok gak la...hahaha..:D n the last lecture td dh bg work nk x nk dh kene wat la kn...:'( ish...sampai takat nie je la aq citer ye...ade keje nk wat nie...bye2............

mood : sedih+happy+upset+n so on la.......:D

Friday, July 1, 2011

hati keruan...:(

aftr a few days die blk dr camping aq rase there's something is not right aq x tau la ape die...hurm..:'( aq dpt rase kn die cam ade secret ngan aq la....perlukah aq brfikiran negatif???or just be positif thinker??adoyai...menyirap gak ati aq knl bdk 2 for a few days dh tahu ape yg trjd kt skola dak 2..bile report card day...n mcm2 la...:( n lg 1 benda yg die x bgtau aq die bgtau dak 2....who am i???sigh....nxt friday die cuti x bgtau aq tp bgtau dak tau pn melalui fb pm x tau la ape yg brlaku blkng aq....ish.....think positif la rafeque.....citer 1 lg ari nie n bsk kat tmn aq ade event yg agak bsr la...tournement futsal n mcm2 main for 2nd team utk team rb aq nk main or x ek??hurm..

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


ok sedih+kecewa n mcm2 lg rase ade nie tp perasan yg disappointed la.....menyesal plk tgk gmbr td coz it makes me heartbroken la...n tq 4 the answer 'ala just gmbr je la...x yah la nk mrh sgt'...hurm..wht a nice answer for me to hear....ptt la rase cam ade yg x kene last dpt jgk jwpn kpd soklan smthng is not right 4 me...tq very much.......

Saturday, June 25, 2011

kerinduan yg melampau...

skang nie aq terase rindu sangat6 la kat
                                                  RINDU  NURFARAH AILEEN BINTI MIHAT
i rindu tgk u smile...i rindu nk dgr u laugh...n i rindu giler2 la kat kamu....<3

Thursday, June 23, 2011

emotio...ntah le...:(

ok....ari nie die gi camping for the 1st time in her at endau-rompin for 3 days 2 night...hurm agak lama la jgk x pe la bg die rase n gain experience cam camping sbnrnye x tau la cam ne aq rase skang nie.....agak confused trhadap perasaan sendiri...mmg confused giler la....:'( rase cam gembira ade..rase cam sedih pn ade....ntah la..50-50 kot...adakh perasaan ini blh memkn diri sendiri???ntah la..think positive la kn...biar die have fun kat sane n gain experience kat sane...nnt blh citer kat aq...

Monday, June 13, 2011

keRiNduAN !!

ok dh lama aq x update....sbb pe..malas n x de mood nk ari nie aq nk update skit la ttg idup.....
DAK  OMEGA  BATCH  1993 ....
idup makin ari makin boring coz x de keje nk wat...mkn+tido je la...n kerinduan trhdp rakan2 berputik kembali la dh lama x lepak sama2..nk lepak skang nie ssh coz kwn2 sume dh mengorak kn langkah ke menara gading...sume dh mule stdy balik utk mase dpn sentiasa mendoakn rakan2 ku agar berjaya di dunia dan pn x lame lg menuruti langkah mereka sume....nie je la aq nk tulis...:P n aq rindu korg la kawan2....

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

x tentu arah.... mana arah aq pas nie??f6/uniten/ipta??arrrgghh....yg ne 1 nie..kalo f6 kene pakai baju skola balik..xmo2..uniten..hurm..its private university of course cost mhl..kalo x past dh tentu2 kene bising..n ipta blm bg jwpn dh........


Sunday, May 1, 2011


last saturday aq dpt bwk kete gi mp by my own la...with my sister,her friends n my beloved la...:)
al maklum dpt license excited giler dpt drive sendiri..especially with my beloved NUR FARAH AILEEN BINTI MIHAT la...:) lagi2 aq dpt bwk n comfort la..:) pas nie panjang langkah aq nk ke mane2..:D so pas nie kalo ade kwn2 nk naek ngan aq

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


dup..dap..dup..dap...jantung dh nk trcabut dh pg alhamdulilah dh lulus dh..
my heart back 2 normal la..n naseb baek dpt jalan A senang skit..:P suke2..
so pas nie...panjang lAngKah aq...:) yessss!!...tq ye to pkck tester...<3

Monday, April 25, 2011


i alwayz wait 4 you la...
eVeRy daY..eVeRy mOmenT..eVeRy seCoNdS..
eVeRy mInuTe..eVeRy hoUr.........

TQ kwN..!!

firstly aq nk thankz dak fify yg mengajar aq wat nie sume ye..thankz kwn..>_<

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

6 months....

on 11/1/2011 we have reached 6 months.....n dlm 6 bulan nie mcm2 dh berlaku...suka duka sume ade paling x best on this day kiteowg x smbt ngan happy but instead we fight each other disebbkn oleh sorg bdk nie...'bdk nie' aq start x suke bile dieowg brchatting mengenai zip seluar..ape punye topik dh...n strt drpd si2 la aq x suke die...n smlm setelah lame aq menuggu c die utk brbual die ckp yg die trsermpk ngan bdk 2...trs x de mood aq nk ckp ngan die...x tau la nape aq wat2 happy la ckp ngan die...hurm...what a sad day 4 me la...n i hope this will never happen again la...huhu...