Wednesday, November 30, 2011

ari nir aq rase nk menulis...sbb ape??sbb aq rase i need to write something n aq nk luah kn segala2nye kat sini...i2 pn kalo blh la...:( aq rase sejak 2 menjak nie kiteowg asyik gaduh je pn x tau nape la...hurm..mybe i'm a jerk....serious aq rase aq ngan die makin ari makin jauh...x tau nape...btw aq rindu giler kat die...mybe nie sume pasal yg die bgtau ari rabu bersamaan ngan 16/11/2011 la...:( this date i will never remember coz it change the way we get together...tq n i really appreciate her 'BESTIES' tq tau..coz ko dah wat kn kiteowg mcm nie...adil x kalo mase die ngan kwn2 lg byk dr aq???hurm...i think she the only 1 can answer it..x pe la i had to give her a space for her to spend her time with her friends n x kesah la...*in fact ati kate its not fair for me...x pe la stakat nie je la aq nk tulis...i will write back when i feel i want to do...

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